Friday, September 22, 2017

Don't Pretend To Know Open Source Until You Read This

The debate between open source and freedom of information, versus protecting intellectual property and what constitutes originality has been fought for ages now, and has only heated up in recent years where access to information has exploded. Personally, I want to believe that all of the code I write and content the I produce should be mine, and mine alone to sell and publish. This is true under copyright laws, where "original" content can be licensed such that no one else can publish the same piece of content. There is a discrepancy in what constitutes originality, however, as one only has to look as far as the Google Play store, or Apple App store to see that original content regularly gets copied and remixed into similar albeit slightly different entities. The counter argument to having all information protected as per the individual who incepts the content, is that a free and open flow of information and content will allow our society to grow much more quickly and learn faster with full freedom to shape the content as needed. Why reinvent the wheel, when there are many versions already available to be expanded upon and improved? Perhaps both sides of the argument have merit, but it will be up to society in the coming years to decide how free or closed information should be.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Alex!

    I learned a ton from your post and you made some really interesting points. It is also super cool how you write code! It seems like it would be super hard to do that so props to you. I personally think that any information posted on the internet is free game, but I realize there are laws prohibiting this. I also thought it was interesting how you pointed out that there are multiple of virtually the same, but slightly different Apps on the App store. Knock offs of the original are so common these days! Overall I really enjoyed reading your blog, great post!
